Do you have you a fear that is irrational?

You may notice how different your reactions, or even avoidance, differ from others phobia2around you if you suffer from a phobia. It won’t make any difference to how you react or feel when well-meaning friends share statistics or say, ‘but a spider can’t hurt you!’ you already know this and it doesn’t help, phobias are after all, irrational fears!

It is our thoughts that create the fear which becomes embedded in our hippocampus causing sufferers to lose confidence around the stimuli, and feel out of control.

Common Symptoms:

  • Extreme panic
  • Feelings of dread, horror or terror
  • Stomach churning & Nausea
  • Heart beating quickly
  • Hot and sweaty
  • Breathing problems
  • Vigilant & Obsessive
  • Sleeping problems

Common types of phobias include;

Acrophobia fear of heights
Aerophobia fear of flying
Agoraphobia fear of crowded places
Arachnophobia fear of arachnids
Atychiphobia fear of failing
Claustrophobia fear of enclosed spaces
Cynophobia fear of dogs
Dentophobia fear of dentists
Monophobia fear of being alone
Mysophobia fear of dirt or contamination
Thanatophobia fear of death
Social phobia fear of social situations
Trypanophobia fear of needles
Vehophobia fear of driving
Ophidiophobia fear of snakes

Phobias are created and exacerbated by stress, it is our flight, fight, freeze response that has overreacted to try and protect us, hypnotherapy can metaphorically smash the memory file and reconstruct a positive one in its place to change the way you think about the stimulus.


  • Phobias can be complex or specific
  • There are more than 400 phobias
  • Phobias can be learned and passed on from parents and other peers
  • A fear and a phobia are not the same thing
  • Phobias usually develop in times of high stress or adolescence
  • Phobias are extremely real and distressing to those experiencing them
  • We can change the way we react to our phobic stimulus and within four weeks or less if necessary

Fear is a natural reaction to a threat, while a phobia leads to a fear response even when you are not in danger.

We are here to help

Metta Hypnotherapy can offer a 50-minute initial consultation where the workings of the mind will be explained, a free relaxation recording will be given and a course of action advised. Should a potential client feel this form of therapy is right for them and the client therapist relationship is a positive one, sessions can be booked in, and the future can look bright. Because we practice ‘Solution Focused Hypnotherapy’ at Metta, the therapy sessions are positive and relaxing, negative thinking is detrimental to this form of therapy and is deterred. Why not invest in your future self and achieve success you never thought possible.

Click here to book an initial consultation.